Your online solution, for the meatless revolution!

Discover the deliciously different ways you can go vegan with confidence, and finally live the healthy lifestyle you truly deserve!

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Welcome to View Veg

‘We are what we eat’. So based on your last meal, how healthy are you?

View Veg; your trusted online partner in healthy eating and living believes that, ‘if it came from a plant eat it if it is made in a plant don’t. With our online vegan and plant-based cooking and nutrition courses we ensure you get the best out of every bite.

View Veg: Your online solution, for the meatless revolution!

During our course, we will be videoing top tips for beginners. We will guide you through the different challenges that will come your way. We will discuss the importance of nutrition especially the vital vitamins and protein, and explain how your body may make some initial changes including weight loss and feel tired and weak while your body adapts to your new way of life.

Vegan Cooking Online Course 101

View Veg Is The #1 Plant-based Online Course Expert

All around the world, people are switching to a plant-based diet. View Veg is an industry leader, providing cooking advice, nutritional support, and daily inspiration on an international level.

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The Best Online Vegan Course Expert

Get ready to take your first step to a better life with View Veg. Do you want to make a positive change in your life and for those around you? Do your part for the world by embracing a plant-based diet!

Discover the beauty of Vegan Vegetarian delicious recipes. We're focusing on your better life and better health.

Join us today! Let's start our wonderful journey together!

The Ultimate Online Solution, For The Meatless Revolution!



Don’t let the animal agriculture companies fool you. Not only is the beef (cow), pork (pig), and the poultry (chicken) industries vile, so are the egg and dairy farms. Save lives by going vegan today. Animals deserve no less from their human companions.



A plant-based lifestyle is a perfect way to combat those reversible, treatable, and even preventable crippling diseases that are all too common. Eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts is an excellent way to cleanse your body of the clogging effects of eating animal products.



According to the World Watch Institute, 51% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture. The environmental benefits of going vegan are huge and you can’t call yourself an environmentalist if you eat animals.

Reasons To Go Vegan

There's no surprise why millions, including famous celebrities all benefit from a vegan lifestyle.

“Nothing’s changed my life more. I feel better about myself as a person, being conscious and responsible for my actions and I lost weight and my skin cleared up and I got bright eyes and I just became stronger and healthier and happier.

- ALICIA SILVERSTONE, American Actress

I've been experimenting with eating purely vegan. That's completely changed the way that my body works, and the way that I metabolise food, the way it turns into energy, the way that I sleep. It's been brilliant. It's been great for my exercise, and great for my routine.

- ZAC EFRON, American Actor

“There are no negatives to eating like this. I feel nothing but positive, mentally and physically. I love it. I feel like it also has a kind of a domino effect on the rest of my life."

- LIAM HEMSWORTH, Australian Actor